Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Drawing in Adobe Animate - Using Primitive Drawing Tools

 Using Primitive Drawing Tools

1.) Create a new project 1920 x 1080 with a frame rate of 30FPS - you can use the Full HD template under Social 

2.) Click and hold on the Rectangle Tool in order to bring up the menu and choose the Rectangle Primitive Tool which brings up a new Properties panel for the tool. In the Fill area, select a skin tone you prefer.

3.) Create a rectangle and using the Rectangle Options at the bottom of the Properties Panel, try adjusting the Rounded Corners options to see the effect. NOTE: the slider as shown in the tutorial has been eliminated. The first option allows you to round ALL of the corners at once, the second allows you to round individual corners. Use the Selection Tool to click on the rectangle and round the corners.


4.) Now, select the Oval Tool and create a circle or an oval with a black fill to represent an eye. Move the eye into place and choose Duplicate under Edit to create a second eye and move that into place. You can also hold down Shift and ALT (Control on Mac) to achieve the same result. Also, add white highlights to both eyes in the same manner.

4.) Using the Oval Tool again create a mouth shape using a dark red color. Using the Selection Tool, double click the mouth which allows you to be inside the drawing object itself. Use the black arrow (Selection Tool) to draw a rectangle marque over the top half of the mouth and delete the area in the rectangle by hitting Delete or Return, then move the mouth into place. NOTE: you can always fine tune the placement of any object by using your arrow keys.

In the same manner as the steps above, create a white area to be the teeth and another area to be the tongue. Using the black Selection Tool, click toward the top of the tongue and bend the top of the tongue into an arc.

The rest of the body is built in a similar manner. For the complete tutorial, copy and paste the following link into your browser:  https://helpx.adobe.com/animate/how-to/drawing-in-animate-cc.html?code=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dSI6Imltc19uYTEta2V5LWF0LTEuY2VyIiwia2lkIjoiaW1zX25hMS1rZXktYXQtMSIsIml0dCI6ImF0In0.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.iabD5crbOZkMkpPXT83103bUOTUdSf8mMFN7idvk8ncz2cqG6vgUikPrOAlaWGE3VVOQKLjRgtlp8cgq5mF_04vMzvbvEqGdu5tE3mKOVSFa9aqqfkO4W7Luf8aH8ABUki_ZiCNSvbzZJCRSYuajfvXfgxm0D-AJavislXL-GsgwJZxOR6VJGSAOC60cLQueP_Ge6Ly5D82kk0vt_jATeCqUaVKYbkH3-mcViZjsWESTi_6CmCQyvOUflQef5075NN7M7i2FOY4vm5-1ypyczMw7TJZnvFKUyma5am0xdX5BgqXh-DwQ_BEoZY2iGBa-txFi3slAXh2FgGxnI1xFLg

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