Drawing in Adobe Animate: You will find that Animate is a VECTOR program and acts very similar to Adobe Illustrator, which is also a vector program.
• Every shape in Animate comes with a stroke (outside border) and a fill (the inside color of a shape)
• Lines can be dragged and connect and snap to each other
• Tool tips help to show if a shape will move as a curve or as a point
• Bezier curves are simplified by simple clicking and dragging the lines or shapes
• Lines get divided where they intersect and can snap together
• The drawing tool has 3 settings (ink, smooth, and straighten)
• Paint Bucket is for adding color to fills, and Ink bottles adds color to the stroke
The complete tutorial is at: https://helpx.adobe.com/animate/how-to/draw-in-animate.html?playlist=/services/playlist.helpx/products:SG_ANIMATE/learn-path:get-started/set-header:ccx-designer/playlist:orientation/en_us.json&ref=helpx.adobe.com
Here are the tutorial highlights:
1.) Start by creating a new document. The preset Web document at 640 x 480 will work just fine. Click it to get started.
2.) Select a color for your Fill and a Color for your Stroke. Then, create a Circle by selecting the Oval Tool and holding the Shift key while you draw. The Shift key restrains the Oval Tool to a Circle and the Rectangle Tool to a Square.
3.) Click on the Selection Tool, then click in the center of your circle and you will be able to “separate” the Fill from the Stroke and move the Fill to another part of the Stage.
4.) You can use the Paint Bucket Tool to fill the object that only has the stroke. You can also use the Ink Bottle Tool to add a stroke around the circle that only has a fill.
The Pen Tool is often used for creating shapes in Illustrator. In Animate, you can use the Line Tool and connect shapes easily.
1.) Draw two lines that connect at an end point. The lines will create a corner icon that can be adjusted and moved using the Selection Tool.
2.) Hover over the line area and a curved icon will appear allowing you to curve the line similar to the Bezier Curve handles in Illustrator.
Create a boat:
1.) Select black as your stroke with have n color for a fill and draw a rectangle. Using the Selection Tool, click on and drag the corner points and the lines to reshape the rectangle to look like a simple boat.
2.) Click on the top of the boat with the Selection Tool while holding down Option which will create a duplicate shape of the top of the boat. Be sure to click off of your mouse before you click off of the Option key. Alternately, you can click on the top of the boat and copy and paste to obtain the same results. Then, follow the photos to create a similar boat and use the Paint Bucket Tool to fill in the colors you desire.
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