Saturday, February 9, 2019

GRA2131C - Assignment - GIF Animation

Photoshop Frame Animation GIFs - Step-By-Step Tutorial

1.)   Open Photoshop, go to Window, and pull down to Timeline:

 2.)  Using Command N on a Mac or Control N on a Windows computer, create a new document with the following parameters:  

Name:  Animation-1

Width:  800 PIXELS (make sure it's PIXELS and NOT inches)

Height:  600 PIXELS

Resolution:  72

Color Mode:  RGB Color and 8 bit (it should default to this selection)

Advanced - Color Profile:  Working RGB:   sRGB IEC61966-2.1

3.)  A drop-down menu will appear in the Timeline with a choice of either Create Video Timeline or Create Frame Animation:  select CREATE FRAME ANIMATION and CLICK on the "Create Frame Animation" button. The button will disappear and you will have a Key Frame appaear at the right hand side of the Timeline:

4.)  IMPORTANT:  from this point on, EVERY element MUST be on its own separate layer!

5.) Create a new layer and title it gradient. Make sure the gradient layer is active, select the Gradient tool, and draw a gradient on the layer. You choose any color of gradient you desire by clicking on the gradient tool options in the menu bar:

6.)  Create a new layer, title it ellipse-1, and using the Elliptical Marque tool, draw an ellipse on the ellipse-1 layer:

7.)  Under Edit, pull down to Stroke, choose a contrasting color from your gradient, and add a stroke that is about 6 pixels thick. IMPORTANT:  after you have added the stroke you MUST DESELECT the "marching ants" from the stroke by using either Command D on a Mac or Control D on a Windows computer:

8.)  Under Edit, again, pull down to Transform, choose Rotate, and rotate the ellipse to any position you desire as long as the entire ellipse is shown:

9.)   Create a new layer and title it "circle" or "dot" or "sphere" or "orb" or something similar. Using the Elliptical Marque tool again, create a small, perfect circle by holding down the Shift key while you draw your orbiting object. Under Edit, pull down to Fill, choose a completely different color to fill the orbiting object, get rid of the "marching ants" again, and move the orbiting object to one edge of your ellipse:

10.)   In the layers palette flyout, pull down to Duplicate Layer, then move the new orbiting object along the ellipse to a new place. Continue to do this until you have a set of orbiting objects circling the ellipse. IMPORTANT:  remember to continue to go in the same direction!

11.)  Now turn off the "eyeballs" on every layer EXCEPT the background, gradient, ellipse-1, and original orbiting object layer (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.):

12.)  Now, do the following steps in order until you go through every single layer of your orbiting objects:

     a.)  Click on the flyout at the upper right hand corner of the Timeline and choose New Frame

     b.)  Turn ON the eyeball for the orbiting object (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.) layer ABOVE the current orbiting object and turn OFF the eyeball for the current orbiting object (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.)

    c.)  Continue this process until you go through each and every layer of the orbiting object

13.)  When you have finished, you should have created a frame in the Timeline for every layer that contains an orbiting object (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.). So, if you have 23 copies of the orbiting object, you should have 24 frames, one frame for each copy PLUS a frame for the very first orbiting object.

14.)  Press the PLAY button and watch your animation. At this point, SAVE your work as a Photoshop Document (PSD) as you will need these layers for the second part of the assignment.

15.)  To complete your project and turn it into a format that can be uploaded to your Behance account, do the following:

     a.)  Go to File, pull down to EXPORT and across to SAVE FOR WEB (LEGACY) and a new window will open:

     b.)  Click on the PREVIEW button located in the lower left hand corner of the new pop up window and you will be able to see if your animation plays correctly:

16.)  If it plays correctly, click the SAVE button:

 17.)  A new window will pop up. Name your animation (NO spaces; use a hyphen - or an underscore _ if you want to separate words, and tell the computer where you want to save your animation. Then, upload your file to Behance and you are done with the first part of the assignment.


18.)   For the second part of the assignment, create a SECOND ellipse, a second set of orbiting objects and have the second set of orbiting objects orbit in the OPPOSITE direction of your first ellipse.  NOTE:  you MUST create EXACTLY the same number of orbiting objects on your second ellipse as there are on your first ellipse or your second animation will not work correctly, as every time you move an orbiting object on your first ellipse, you must move a corresponding orbiting object on your second ellipse within the same frame.  SEE EXAMPLE BELOW:


Saturday, February 2, 2019

GRA2131C - Illustrator Minimalist Movie Posters

Create two (2) completely different minimalist-style movie posters using Adobe Illustrator. For one poster, use elements of international pictograms. For the other poster, you have free reign of your conceptual imagery. 

In this assignment, combine simple, minimalist, graphic shapes to illustrate the theme, concept, penultimate and/or iconic moment of a movie.

For the poster using international pictograms, create your posters using values ranging between pure black and pure white. You may use one (1) accent color. 

For the poster where you have free reign on design, concentrate on using the minimal amount of graphics in your poster. You may use more than one color in your design, although in this assignment, less is more. A single accent color can have greater impact than a poster containing several colors.

See the link below for a tutorial on creating basic shapes using Illustrator:

1.) Research basic shapes via a search for minimalist international warning signage on the Internet

2.) Choose two (2) different movies to illustrate

3.) Use Illustrator to create the poster background and to create the graphic elements used in your posters; do NOT simply copy the elements from the Internet and remove the background(s)

4.) Use the default poster size found under the 'Art & Illustration' templates and change the settings to 18 inches by 24 inches (or 24 inches by 18 inches for a horizontal poster) at 300 p.p.i., adding a 1/4 inch bleed on all sides.

5.) You may create an achromatic design (only black, white, and grey values in between), and use a single color (monochromatic) in your minimalist design - the accent color can be different on each poster design

6.) Illustrate the themes of your movies by using as few, basic, simple design elements as possible

7.) Create a separate layer for each element of your design and, as in the HTML portrait, be sure to label each layer so that you can easily adjust and tweak your image

To organize and create the layout your artwork, use the appropriate tools for selecting, positioning, and stacking objects precisely. You can measure and align objects; group objects so that they are treated as a single unit; and selectively isolate, lock, or hide objects.


Options for selecting objects 

Before you can modify an object, you need to distinguish it from the objects around it. You do that by selecting the object. Once you’ve selected an object, or a part of an object, you can edit it.

Illustrator provides the following selection methods and tools:

- Isolation mode
Lets you quickly isolate a layer, sublayer, path, or group of objects, from all other art in your document. When in isolation mode, all nonisolated objects in the document appear dimmed and are not selectable or editable.

- Layers panel
Lets you quickly and precisely select individual or multiple objects. You can select a single object (even if it’s in a group), all objects within a layer, and entire groups.

- Selection tool
  Lets you select objects and groups by clicking or dragging over them. You can also select groups within groups and objects within groups.

- Direct Selection tool
Lets you select individual anchor points or path segments by clicking on them, or select an entire path or group by selecting any other spot on the item. You can also select one or more objects in a group of objects.
note: When in outline mode, the Direct Selection tool may select imported graphics that are near the tool’s pointer. To avoid selecting unwanted graphics, lock or hide the graphics before making the selection.


(above)  the artboard settings should look similar to the above image

(above)  the result should look like this for a vertical artboard

(above)  use simple shapes; ellipses, circles, rectangles, squares, etc.,
and only use one color along with black and grey for your shapes
click on the above image to see how to change the color of the shape

(above)  create a new layer for each element
this should happen automatically with Illustrator

 (above)  label each layer so that you can easily adjust or transform the layer or shape

7.) Be sure to add the movie title and credits, as shown in the illustrations below and refer to the previous assignments on typography:

8.) Use the sample illustrations below as reference - you may create a totally NEW poster for any of the movies shown below, as long as all of the elements are completely different shapes

9.) NOTE:  Blogger will not let you post AI files, so you must create screenshots of your files and post those resulting .png files to your blog. Save each poster as follows:
 - once as an Illustrator .ai file so that you may adjust your project later

- again as a flattened .PNG file to post to your blog

- we will review your Ai layers during class via screen share

Then, EXPORT your file as a .PNG or .JPEG file to post on your blog.

REMEMBER - you are creating two (2) posters for this assignment.


IMAGES BELOW:  poster examples using a minimal amount of international pictograms-based elements

BELOW:  examples using a minimal amount of design elements

(above) design by GRA2131C student Rachelle Coulumbe

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Rachelle Coulumbe

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Laura De La Torre

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Laura De La Torre

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Rosario Freeman

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Candace Gostinski

 (above) design by GRA2131C student J C Cox

 (above) design by GRA2131C student David Libfeld

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Crystal Martinez

 (above) design by GRA2131C student David Libfeld (be sure to proofread text!)

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Ashley Huichalaf

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Candace Gostinski

 (above) design by GRA2131C student Alyssa Bennett

 (above) design by GRA2131C student William Britt

 (above) design by GRA2131C student William Britt