Photoshop Frame Animation GIFs - Step-By-Step Tutorial
1.) Open Photoshop, go to Window, and pull down to Timeline:
2.) Using Command N on a Mac or Control N on a Windows computer, create a new document with the following parameters:
Name: Animation-1
Width: 800 PIXELS (make sure it's PIXELS and NOT inches)
Height: 600 PIXELS
Resolution: 72
Color Mode: RGB Color and 8 bit (it should default to this selection)
Advanced - Color Profile: Working RGB: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
3.) A drop-down menu will appear in the Timeline with a choice of either Create Video Timeline or Create Frame Animation: select CREATE FRAME ANIMATION and CLICK on the "Create Frame Animation" button. The button will disappear and you will have a Key Frame appaear at the right hand side of the Timeline:
4.) IMPORTANT: from this point on, EVERY element MUST be on its own separate layer!
5.) Create a new layer and title it gradient. Make sure the gradient layer is active, select the Gradient tool, and draw a gradient on the layer. You choose any color of gradient you desire by clicking on the gradient tool options in the menu bar:
6.) Create a new layer, title it ellipse-1, and using the Elliptical Marque tool, draw an ellipse on the ellipse-1 layer:
7.) Under Edit, pull down to Stroke, choose a contrasting color from your gradient, and add a stroke that is about 6 pixels thick. IMPORTANT: after you have added the stroke you MUST DESELECT the "marching ants" from the stroke by using either Command D on a Mac or Control D on a Windows computer:
9.) Create a new layer and title it "circle" or "dot" or "sphere" or "orb" or something similar. Using the Elliptical Marque tool again, create a small, perfect circle by holding down the Shift key while you draw your orbiting object. Under Edit, pull down to Fill, choose a completely different color to fill the orbiting object, get rid of the "marching ants" again, and move the orbiting object to one edge of your ellipse:
10.) In the layers palette flyout, pull down to Duplicate Layer, then move the new orbiting object along the ellipse to a new place. Continue to do this until you have a set of orbiting objects circling the ellipse. IMPORTANT: remember to continue to go in the same direction!
11.) Now turn off the "eyeballs" on every layer EXCEPT the background, gradient, ellipse-1, and original orbiting object layer (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.):
12.) Now, do the following steps in order until you go through every single layer of your orbiting objects:
a.) Click on the flyout at the upper right hand corner of the Timeline and choose New Frame
b.) Turn ON the eyeball for the orbiting object (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.) layer ABOVE the current orbiting object and turn OFF the eyeball for the current orbiting object (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.)
c.) Continue this process until you go through each and every layer of the orbiting object
13.) When you have finished, you should have created a frame in the Timeline for every layer that contains an orbiting object (dot, circle, orb, sphere, etc.). So, if you have 23 copies of the orbiting object, you should have 24 frames, one frame for each copy PLUS a frame for the very first orbiting object.
14.) Press the PLAY button and watch your animation. At this point, SAVE your work as a Photoshop Document (PSD) as you will need these layers for the second part of the assignment.
15.) To complete your project and turn it into a format that can be uploaded to your Behance account, do the following:
a.) Go to File, pull down to EXPORT and across to SAVE FOR WEB (LEGACY) and a new window will open:
b.) Click on the PREVIEW button located in the lower left hand corner of the new pop up window and you will be able to see if your animation plays correctly:
16.) If it plays correctly, click the SAVE button:
17.) A new window will pop up. Name your animation (NO spaces; use a hyphen - or an underscore _ if you want to separate words, and tell the computer where you want to save your animation. Then, upload your file to Behance and you are done with the first part of the assignment.
18.) For the second part of the assignment, create a SECOND ellipse, a second set of orbiting objects and have the second set of orbiting objects orbit in the OPPOSITE direction of your first ellipse. NOTE: you MUST create EXACTLY the same number of orbiting objects on your second ellipse as there are on your first ellipse or your second animation will not work correctly, as every time you move an orbiting object on your first ellipse, you must move a corresponding orbiting object on your second ellipse within the same frame. SEE EXAMPLE BELOW: